Mary Joséphine Caroll

Mark for connection search
1901-6-26 26/6/1901 (in Plymouth: England )

Nationality: Irish

Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Stenographic Services : LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (4/5/1927-31/10/1936)    LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (13/9/1937-6/10/1937)    LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (11/10/1937-30/11/1937)   


  • Plymouth: England
  • Ireland -4/5/1927 (5 years: Irish League of Nations Society and Proportional Representation Society of Ireland)
  • Unspecified -4/5/1927 (worked a fortnight for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom)
  • Dublin: Ireland -4/5/1927 (3 months with the firm "Withers & Co.", Dublin)
