Permanent Technical Hydraulic System Commission of the Danube

Permanent Technical Hydraulic System Commission of the Danube, Commission Technique Permanente du Régime des Eaux du Danube
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Founded: 14/11/1921
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

One representative of each of the States territorially concerned; that is to say the following countries: And a Chairman appointed by the Council of the League of Nations for a term of five years. (HB 1929) représentant de chacun des Etats territorialement intéressés, à savoir ; et un président nommé par le Conseil de la Société des Nations pour cinq ans. (HB 1936)
Austria (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Romania (since 1929) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



(a) To bring about the conclusion, and supervise, and, in urgent cases, ensure the carrying out of, agreements between the States concerned relating to the hydraulic system of the treaty basin and designed to safeguard the interests and rights acquired by each of them. (b) To maintain and improve, particularly as regards deforestation and afforestation, the uniform character of the hydraulic system, etc. (c) To study questions relating to navigation, etc. (d) To undertake all works or schemes and to establish all services with which it may be charged by the unanimous consent of the interested States. (HB 1929) a) Favoriser la conclusion, surveiller et, dans certains cas urgents, assurer l'exécution d'accords entre les Etats intéressés concernant le régime des eaux du bassin visé par le Traité en vue de sauvegarder les intérêts et les droits acquis par chacun de ces Etats; b) maintenir et améliorer, notamment en ce qui concerne le déboisement et le reboisement, le caractère uniforme du régime des eaux, etc. ; c) étudier les questions relatives à la navigation, etc. ; d) entreprendre les travaux , exécuter les plans et établir les services dont elle peut être chargée d'un commun accord par les Etats intéressés. (HB 1936) (a) To bring about the conclusion of agreements between the States concerned relating to the hydraulic system of the Treaty Basin and designed to safeguard the interests and rights acquired by each of those States; to supervise those agreements and in urgent cases to ensure their being carried out; (b) To maintain and improve, particularly as regards deforestation and afforestation, the uniform character of the hydraulic system, etc.; (c) To study questions relating to navigation, etc., (d) To undertake all works or schemes and to establish all services with which it may be charged by the unanimous consent of the interested States. (HB 1938)


Annual contributions. The average annual expenditure is about 80,000 lire. Contributions annuelles. Les dépenses annuelles s'élèvent en moyenne à 80.000 lires environ.


Publications of Minutes of the Commission. (HB 1929) Publications contenant des renseignements sur l'Organisation : Carlo Rossetti : La Commission du régime des eaux et son œuvre (Académie diplomatique internationale, séances et travaux, cinquième année, n° 2, avril-juin 1931, pages 95-101). Carlo Rossetti : Préface à « Etudes sur le régime des glaces du Danube » (Hoepli, Milan, 1934). (HB 1936) Publications containing information on the Organisation: Carlo Rossetti: "The Hydraulic Commission and its Work " (International Diplomatic Academy, Meetings and Activities Fifth Year, No. 2. April-June, 1931, pp. 95-101). Carlo Rossetti: Preface to "Studies on the Danube Ice System " (HoepU, Milan, 1934). (HB 1938)


The Commission holds an ordinary plenary session once a year, at a place fixed by the Commission, for the purpose of discharging its duties under the Treaty of Trianon. The first plenary session was held at Munich in 1921. Since its foundation, the Commission has held eleven plenary sessions (the last in 1928), at Munich, Dresden, Vienna, Paris, Bratislava, Bled, Meran, Budapest, Bucharest and Lussinpiccolo. (HB 1929) La Commission tient une session plénière ordinaire une fois par an, au lieu fixé par elle pour s'acquitter des fonctions qui lui incombent en vertu du Traité de Trianon. La première session plénière a eu lieu à Munich en 1921. Depuis sa fondation, la Commission a tenu dix-sept sessions plénières (la dernière en 1934) à Munich, Dresde, Vienne (2), Paris, Bratislava, Bled, Meran, Budapest (2), Bucarest, Lussinpiccolo, Tren-cianske Teplice, Kupari, Venise et Semmering. (HB 1936) The Commission holds an Ordinary Plenary Session once a year at a place fixed by the Commission, for the purpose of discharging its duties under the Treaty of Trianon. The first Plenary Session was held at Munich in 1921. Since its foundation the Commission has held 19 Plenary Sessions (the last in 1936) at Munich, Dresden, Vienna (2), Paris, Bratislava, Bled, Merano, Budapest (2), Bucharest, Lussinpiccolo, Trencianske, Teplice, Kupari, Venice, Semmering, Sinaia, Tatranska Lomnica. (HB 1938)
