International Industrial Relations Associations (For the Study and Promotion of Satisfactory Human Relations and Conditions in Industry) (I.R.I)

International Industrial Relations Associations (For the Study and Promotion of Satisfactory Human Relations and Conditions in Industry) (I.R.I), Internationale Vereinigung für Bestgestaltung der Arbeit in Betrieben, Association Internationale des Relations Industrielles, Institut International des Relations Industrielles (Pour l'étude et l'encouragement de relations et de conditions humaines de travail dans les industries), International Industrial Relations Institute (For the Study and Promotion of Satisfactory Human Relations and Conditions in Industry)
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Founded: 1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


A Council consisting of the officers and four members elected by the members in each of the countries taking part. The Institute is placed under the direction of a Committee composed of at least 12 members and 24 members additionally. The administration of the Institute is confined to the director. (HB 1929)


Members in these countries

Membership is on an individual basis and is open to all who are engaged in any undertaking involving the employment of persons, or who are occupied in work of scientific research or social significance bearing on industry, and who are in sympathy with the aims of the Association. Members in twenty-eight countries: (HB 1929) La qualité de membre est personnelle et est accessible à tous ceux que qualifient leur expérience et leurs études industrielles. Membres dans vingt-sept pays : Allemagne, Autriche, Australie, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Canada, Chine, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Finlande, France, Hongrie, Inde, Irlande, Italie, Lettonie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Union Sud-Africaine. (HB 1936) Membership is on an individual basis and is open to all who are qualified by their experience and industrial studies. Members in twenty-seven countries:Associate Members: Associate membership is open to all who, though lacking technical industrial experience, nevertheless seek to share in understanding the society's basic economic problems. (HB 1938)
Argentina (1929-1936) , Australia (since 1929) , Austria (since 1929) , Belgium (since 1929) , Canada (since 1929) , China (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , Estonia (since 1929) , Finland (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , India (since 1929) , Ireland (since 1929) , Italy (since 1929) , Japan (1929-1936) , Latvia (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Norway (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Portugal (since 1936) , Romania (since 1929) , South Africa (1929-1936) , Spain (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , Union of South Africa (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) ,



To study and promote such principles and methods as tend to develop satisfactory human relations and conditions in industry. (HB 1929) Etudier et développer les moyens d'établir dans toutes les industries des relations humaines et des conditions de travail satisfaisantes. Par l'expression « relations industrielles », on entend le rapprochement des groupements et des personnes dont le travail en commun constitue la vie économique. Ces relations peuvent être considérées comme satisfaisantes lorsqu'elles permettent à tous les groupes intéressés de s'orienter effectivement vers un idéal socialement désirable. (HB 1936) The study and promotion of satisfactory human relations and working conditions in all industry. The phrase ''industrial relations" refers to the associating of groups and individuals whose working together constitutes economic life. These relations may be regarded as satisfactory when they permit all groups concerned to function effectively toward a socially desirable end. (HB 1938)


Individual membership fees (minimum 10s. or 5s. per annum, according to country) ; association sustaining subscriptions from bodies and firms (minimum £1 per annum) ; donations. The minimum annual expenditure is at present £1,200, exclusive of publication costs of reports issued. (HB 1929) Cotisations individuelles des membres (minimum 5 florins néerlandais par an; cotisation normale : 10 florins néerlandais par an et cotisation spéciale : 2 florins néerlandais par an. Dons. (HB 1936) Individual subscriptions from members (minimum 5 Dutch florins per anrmm; normal subscription: 10 Dutch florins per annum, and special subscription: 2 Dutch florins per annum); gifts. (HB 1938)

General facts

The origin of the association may be traced to an informal gathering of about fifty persons from nine countries, which took place in July 1922 at the Château d'Argeronne, Normandy. An Interim Committee was appointed to organise a further meeting at which the formation of an international organisation might be considered. The Interim Committee fulfilled this task and an International Congress took place at Flushing, Holland, in June 1925. At this Congress the association was formed under its original title of " International Association for the Study and Improvement of Human Relations and Conditions in Industry". (HB 1929) Fondé lors d'un congrès industriel international tenu à Flessingue (1925), qui avait été précédé d'une réunion non officielle en 1922, l'Institut a revêtu la forme d'une association portant, jusqu'en mars 1932, le titre d'« Association internationale des relations industrielles ». (HB 1936) Founded at the time of an international industrial congress held at Flushing (1925), which was preceded by a non-official meeting in 1922, the Institute assumed the form of an association, entitled until March 1932, " International Association of Industrial Relations ". (HB 1938)


Paraissant de temps à autre, lorsque l'occasion se présente. Il a été publié jusqu'à présent les ouvrages ci-après : « L'Economie dirigée » (1934) ; « l'Economie sociale dirigée dans le monde » (1932) ; « Le chômage international » (1932) ; « Organisation rationnelle et relations industrielles » (1930) ; « Relations essentielles entre toutes les catégories de la collectivité industrielle», volume I, 1928, volume II, 1929; « L'Elimination des travaux pénibles, inutiles dans l'industrie » (1927) ; « Aperçu international du travail personnel dans l'industrie » (1926). (HB 1936) Appearing from time to time as occasion arises. Up to the present the following works have been published: " Economic Planning " (" L'Economie dirigee ") (1934); " World Social Economic Planning " (" L'Economie sociale dirigAe dans le monde ") (1932); " International Unemployment" (" LeChomage international") (1932); "Rational Organisation and Industrial Relations" ("Organisation rationnelle et relations industrielles ") (1930); "Essential Relations between all Categories of Industrial Collectivity" ("Relations essentielles entre toutes les categories de la coUec-tivite industrielle"), Volume I, 1928, volume II, 1929; "The Elimination of Laborious Unnecessary Work in Industry" ("L'Elimination des travaux penibles, inutiles dans 1'industrie") (1927); "International Summary of Individual Work in Industry" ("Apergu international du travail personnel dans Tindustrie") (1926).. (HB 1938)


Providing possibilities for the study and for the interchange of ideas and experience through the organisation of meetings, summer schools and congresses ; maintaining and extending the established contact, particularly through the interchange of information and visits between members in the various countries ; creating industrial and public opinion by means of publications. A congress of members normally takes place every three years, the first having been held at Cambridge, England, in July 1928. Publication of various reports and other publications. (HB 1929) Etudes et échanges d'idées et d'expériences pratiques au moyen de congrès, de conférences, d'écoles d'été et de discussions; nomination de commissions d'étude; échanges de renseignements et voyages de membres dans les divers pays. Création d'un courant d'opinion dans le public au moyen de publications. Une Assemblée générale des membres a lieu au moins une fois tous les trois ans. (HB 1936) Study and interchange of ideas and practical experience by means bA congresses, conferences, summer schools and discussions; appointment of study committees ; interchange of information and visits between members in the various countries; creation of a current of public opinion by means of publications, A General Assembly of members takes place at least once every three years. (HB 1938)
