International Commission on Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity

International Commission on Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Commission Internationale de Magnétisme Terrestre et d'Électricité Atmosphérique
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Founded: 1919
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Representatives in the following countries:
Belgium (1925-1938) , Canada (since 1925) , China (since 1938) , Denmark (since 1925) , Finland (since 1925) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Hong-Kong (1936-1938) , Hungary (since 1938) , Italy (1925-1938) , Japan (since 1925) , Netherlands (since 1925) , Norway (1925-1938) , Poland (since 1925) , Portugal (1929-1936) , Spain (since 1925) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1925) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) ,



Suggérer les recherches scientifiques de magnétisme terrestre et d'électricité atmosphérique d'intérêt général, et servir de comité consultatif à l'Organisation météorologique internationale. (HB 1936) To make suggestions for scientific research of general interest into terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, and to act as an advisory committee to the International Meteorological Organisation. (HB 1938)


La Commission dépend de l'Organisation météorologique internationale. (HB 1936) The Commission is dependent upon the International Meteorological Organisation. (HB 1938)


Publication de rapports sur l'activité de la Commission et du périodique « Caractère magnétique de chaque jour ». Procès-verbaux des réunions imprimés par le Secrétariat de l'Organisation météorologique internationale.(HB 1936) Reports on the Commissions' work, and the periodical Caracthe magnitique de chaque jour. Minutes of meetings printed by the Secretariat of the International Meteorological Organisation. (HB 1938)


Last meeting at Zurich, in 1926. (HB 1929) Conférences tenues à Munich 1891, Paris 1896, Bristol 1898, Paris 1900, Innsbruck 1905, Berlin 1910, Utrecht 1923, Zurich 1926, Copenhague 1929, Innsbruck 1931, Varsovie 1935. (HB 1936) Conferences held at Munich (1891), Paris (1896), Bristol (1898), Paris (1900), Innsbruck (1905), Berlin (1910), Utrecht (1923), Zurich (1926), Copenhagen (1929), Innsbruck (1931), Warsaw (1935). (HB 1938)
