World Prohibition Federation

World Prohibition Federation, Internationales Verband für das Alkoholverbot, Fédération Prohibitionniste Mondiale/Internationale
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Founded: 1909
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Comité international exécutif/Executive Committee




Abolir les boissons alcooliques, supprimer et interdire l'usage de l'alcool, l'opium, le hashish et autres drogues similaires. HB 1929: The abolition of intoxicants, the suppression of all habit-forming drugs. HB 1936: Suppression des spiritueux et de toutes les drogues engendrant la toxicomanie. HB 1938: The abolition of intoxicants, the suppression of all habit-forming drugs.




"The International Record" (London); "The National Advocate" (New York), et d'autres brochures, etc. HB 1923: The International Record » (Londres). Editires allemande « International [Record » (Hambourg), The « National Advocate » (New York) et d' autres brochures, etc. HB 1929: The International Record (quarterly) (London); Continental edition published in Berlin in German. The National Advocate (monthly) (New York). HB 1936: The International Record (trimestriel, Londres) ; édition continentale publiée à Berlin en allemand. The National Advocate (mensuel) (New-York). HB 1938: The International Record (quarterly, London) ; The National Advocate (monthly, New York). Leaflets, pamphlets.


Conférences dans divers pays. HB 1929: Conferences and group gatherings in various countries. Last world gathering was held in Antwerp, Belgium, 1928 ; the next one will be held at Warsaw, Poland, in 1931. Publications: Leaflets, pamphlets. HB 1936: Conférences et réunions de groupements dans divers pays. La dernière réunion internationale s'est tenue à Londres en 1934; la prochaine aura lieu à Varsovie (Pologne) en 1936. Publications: brochures et opuscules. HB 1938: Conferences and group gatherings in various countries. The last inter¬ national gatherings were held in London, in 1934 and at Warsaw (Poland), in 1937.
