International Union of Anti-Militarist Ministers and Clergymen
International Union of Anti-Militarist Ministers and Clergymen, Internationaler Bund Antimilitaristischer Pfarrer, Ligue Internationale de Pasteurs et d'Ecclésiastiques Antimilitaristes
Founded: 15/8/1928
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
(a) International Council; (b) Executive Committee
Members in these countries
Groups of anti-militarist clergymen in the indicated countries and individual members in several countries
(since 1938)
(since 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1938)
(since 1929)
United Kingdom
(since 1929)
To unite the anti-militarist ministers of all Churches, of all denominations and of all countries, and if possible to create groups of anti-militarist ministers and clergymen; to study the question of war from the theological and philosophical standpoint; to demonstrate by word and deed, within and outside the Churches, against war and the preparations of war
HB 1936: Grouper les pasteurs antimilitaristes de toutes les églises, de toutes les confessions et de tous les pays et, dans la mesure du possible, créer des groupes de pasteurs et d'ecclésiastiques antimilitaristes; étudier la question de la guerre du point de vue théologique et philosophique; faire, en paroles et en actes, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des Eglises, des démonstrations contre la guerre et les préparatifs de guerre.
HB 1938: To unite the anti-militarist ministers of all Churches, of all denominations and of all countries, and, if possible, to create groups of anti-militarist ministers and clergymen; to study the question of war from the theological and philosophical standpoint; to demonstrate by word and deed, within and outside the Churches, against war and preparation for war.
Subscriptions; gifts. Amount of subscription: Fl. 0.25 (Dutch)(minimum). Annual expenditure: Fl. 1,000 (Dutch).
HB 1938: Subscriptions; donations. Amount of subscription: 0.25 Dutch florin (minimum).
General facts
The International Committee of Anti-militarist Clergymen (I.C.A.C.) was founded at Geneva in 1926 by some clergymen from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States of America. From August 13th to 15th, 1928, a Congress was held at Amsterdam. There the International Union of Anti-militarist Ministers and Clergymen was founded. The next international Congress will be held at Edinburgh in 1930.
HB 1936: Le Comité international d'ecclésiastiques antimilitaristes (I. C. A. C.) a été fondé à Genève en 1926 par quelques ecclésiastiques d'Allemagne, des Pays-Bas, de Suisse et des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Du 13 au 15 août 1928, un congrès a été tenu à Amsterdam. C'est alors que fut fondée l'Union internationale de pasteurs et d'ecclésiastiques antimilitaristes. Des congrès internationaux ont eu lieu à Amsterdam en 1931 et à Bâle en 1935.
HB 1938: The International Committee of Anti-militarist Clergymen (I.C.A.C.) was founded at Geneva in 1926 by some clergymen from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States of America. From August 13th to 15th, 1928, a Congress was held at Amsterdam. There the International Union of Anti-militarist Ministers and Clergymen was founded. International Congresses have been held at Amsterdam in 1928, at Zurich in 1931, at Basle in 1935 and at Edinburgh in 1937.
Communications (quarterly; HB 1936/38: irregularly).
Conferences, meetings, publications, petitions.