Apostolatus Maris Internationale Concilium

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Founded: 1922
Sources: HB 1938


Central Committee in which six delegates from each country have a vote.


Members in these countries

In the following countries:
Argentina , Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Denmark , France , Germany , India , Ireland , Italy , Netherlands , New Zealand , Norway , Poland , Spain , Sweden , Union of South Africa , United Kingdom , United States of America , Yugoslavia ,



To promote the spiritual, moral and social welfare of Catholic Seafarers throughout the world.


Voluntary contributions and Annual Grants from Apostolatus Maris National organisations.

General facts

Apostolatus Maris received Blessing and Approval of the Holy See, April 1922. Administration moved from Glasgow to London in 1928. Constitutions redrafted London, 1931, and at Hamburg, 1934. Congresses held in England, France, Germany, Netherlands and Spain. Delegation attended the Seamen's Welfare in Ports Conferences, Geneva 1936. Last Congress was held in Belgium, September 1937.


Bibliography : Various Annual Reports The Sea and Its Apostolate, Rev. C. C. Martindale, SJ. Official Publications: Quarterly Review; International News Service: organising Textbooks.


Co-ordination of all Seamen's Welfare work done by Catholic organisations: organisation of new Welfare Service for seamen in countries not provided with national Apostolatus Maris organisations. Annual International Congress.
