World Youth Congress Movement

World Youth Congress Movement, Mouvement du Congrès Mondial de la Jeunesse
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Founded: 1936
Sources: HB 1938


: A Council consisting of two representatives from each national liaison committee, and one from each collaborating international organisation, the latter exercising no vote. An Executive Committee, consisting of representatives from twelve countries and from four international organisations.


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

National Liaison committees of youth organisations co-operating for the objects stated above in: Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Holland, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the U.S.A., the U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia; provisional committees in Australia, China, New Zealand, Palestine, Rumania, Switzerland
Australia , Belgium , Bulgaria , Canada , China , Czechoslovakia , Denmark , France , Ireland , Netherlands , New Zealand , Palestine , Poland , Romania , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , United Kingdom , United States of America , Yugoslavia ,


(a) To provide an opportunity for youth of all countries to exchange ideas on international affairs and to reach agreement upon a common plan of international cooperation for the prevention of war and the organisation of peace; (b) To bring about the co-operation of youth of all countries, based upon mutual understanding and mutual respect for opinion, to attain those ends, and to take common action to give effect to the decisions of the World Youth Congress; (c) To strengthen the links between the organisations of youth themselves and between youth and the League of Nations Societies.


Subscriptions from the national liaison committees; individual donations to the International Youth Peace Fund.

General facts

The World Youth Congress Movement is the outcome of the discussions that took place at the first World Youth Congress, organised by the International Federation of League of Nations Societies in Geneva, August 3ist-September 6th, 1936.


Monthly Information Bulletin in French and in English; various publications of national committees. Youth Plans a New World, Proceedings of the First World Youth Congress.


The national liaison committees work for the objects of the movement by means of public meetings, study courses, conferences, interchange of speakers, speaking tours, camps, exhibitions, etc. To give expression to the Congress affirmation of the inherent value of the human personality, charters of youth rights axe being prepared in each country for the establishment of minimum social conditions.
